Community Life - Kingswood Oxford

Community Life

Sharing Connections, Celebrating Differences


What a Difference Community Makes


Building a strong community requires that people share common values and work together in the pursuit of both collective and individual goals. A strong community affirms that every member is important, belongs, and contributes to the common good. As KO’s motto attests, “one conquers by conquering oneself” – that is, by strengthening individual goals, we strengthen the whole.


We lift each other up, elevate each other’s voices, and celebrate our differences. We welcome parents, guardians, and families into our fold – knowing that they enrich our shared experience and animate the inclusive partnerships that define us.

At the same time that we focus on personal growth, we reach outside of our community, lending our combined strength to support those around us and around the world.

“What makes the community at KO so special is that there are people passionate about so many different interests. You can find these connecting points to other people and learn about various perspectives. That’s what makes our community what it is, and the differences strengthen our community even more.”

— Brady, senior


Clubs and activities allow you to test drive an interest you want to explore.




Community programs and travel opportunities expand your point of view.


Wyvern athletics means pride, excitement, excellence, and being part of something bigger than yourself.


Learn alongside visiting artists, speakers, writers, and performers – true experts in their field.

Feel the Support: The Advising Advantage

Advising at KO is about Helping You Discover Your Best Self.


Find your voice in a community of scholars, athletes, musicians, and artists. A Kingswood Oxford education inspires you to dig deeper and discover a lot. You’ll create powerful bonds with advisors who guide, encourage, and challenge you to grow in confidence and independence.



“My advisor pushes me but always lets me know when to pull back. She’s always there to support me in doing whatever I want to do and guiding me in the right direction. She helps me make decisions that work the best for me to make school more enjoyable and more manageable.”

— Anissa, junior



KO and a Cup of Joe – Thursday Mornings throughout the Summer

Join us for a brief information session to learn about the academic and co-curricular offerings at Kingswood Oxford School during the summer: June 20, 27, July 11, 18, 25, August 1, and 8 at 8:30 a.m. in Roberts Building’s lower lobby. For more information, contact our Admissions Office at (860) 727-5000. What a Difference a Day Makes!