Soccer – Girls Varsity vs Ethel Walker School – Away
V Girls Soccer
The KO women’s soccer team earned a hard fought win against Ethel Walker school Monday afternoon.
Credit belongs to all players and a great performance to Kyra Dunnirvine who had some fantastic saves. Kudos to Olivia Schaller and Ella Sokale for their contribution with a goal a piece. Liv Chomick, Liv Stevens, and Sophia Radmanvich assisted on the goals. The ladies will use the week to recover and prepare for Cheshire Academy on Saturday.
KO: 2 – Ethel Walker School: 1
Location: Ethel Walker School, The
Directions: Take Trout Brook Dr and CT-185 W to Sand Hill Rd in Simsbury
Win- KO: 2 - Ethel Walker School: 1