Soccer – Girls Varsity vs Miss Porter’s School – Home
V Girls Soccer
Today’s game with Miss Porter’s was a challenging one.
Porter’s came out of the gates quickly and scored 3 goals in the first 11 minutes. Through changes in formats and game plan, the Lady Wyverns struggled to match the speed of play and overall quality of Miss Porters. While all of our players gave 100% effort, a shout out to our defensive line of Kyra Dunnirvine, Liv Stevens, Gianna Christiana, Alina Vaughn, and Aashni Patel who made several key stops and saves throughout the game. Also big congratulations to Sattah Phouthahoun on her corner kick conversion late in the second half. The team was thrilled with her toughness in the box. When the final buzzer sounded, the game ended 6-1 with Porter’s taking home the win.
KO: 1 – Miss Porter’s School: 6
Location: Playing Fields – Outlook Field
Loss- KO: 1 - Miss Porter's School: 6