Three Teachers Awarded at Prize Assembly - Kingswood Oxford

News & Events

May 24, 2023

Three Teachers Awarded at Prize Assembly

Three teachers were given recognition for their talent and service at the Prize Assembly held on May 23.


THE ROBERT B. SWAIN III MEMORIAL AWARD honors that continuing teacher in their first five years of teaching at Kingswood Oxford, and their first ten years of teaching overall, who best exemplifies Bobby Swain’s outstanding attributes as a student and teacher: a serious, self–disciplined approach to learning and a sense of humor—a combination that enabled him to inspire in others a spirit of cooperation which made scholarly disciplines a pursuit both joyous and rewarding.


Sharon MigdalTeachers at Kingswood Oxford are experts in their field and develop critical thinking in their students



 The Collins family—Kim ’75, Wylie ’79, Tris ’81 and Jed ’88 along with their parents, Nancy and Allen—established this award for excellence in teaching named originally for Charles W. Collins, Mr. Collins’ father. Charles Collins spent fifty years as a teacher, coach and administrator in the Everett, MA public school system.


Ryan BrodeurTeachers at Kingswood Oxford are experts in their field and develop critical thinking in their students


THE JOSEPH AND JO-ANNE ALISSI COACHING AWARD honors that returning coach who best exemplifies Joseph and Jo-anne Alissi’s outstanding contributions to Kingswood Oxford, especially their sportsmanship, professionalism, enthusiasm, dedication and the positive impact they had on every athlete and student they encountered.


Cameron BiondiTeachers at Kingswood Oxford are experts in their field and develop critical thinking in their students

Main News

Admissions Process Workshop, September 24

We will hold an Admissions Process Workshop on Tuesday, September 24, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event will start in the Estes Middle School building. This program will provide a step-by-step guide to independent school admissions. Topics discussed will include key differentiators of independent schools, the interview and application timeline, the application evaluation criteria, the various forms of tuition assistance available, and how to apply. 


Register through your Ravenna Account or email [email protected].