Campbell, McKenzie - Kingswood Oxford



One thing I learned about myself at KO is that I really, really like things to be perfect, and that’s not realistic. KO has helped me lessen that need for perfection and lessen that drive to only do things well, just for the sake of doing them well. I value learning so much more than I did before I came here. It’s not about the grade. It’s really about the content of what I’m learning. I crave to know things instead of craving just to do well.


As I mentioned, KO has changed my mindset on perfectionism. I’m much more open to failing, and I think failure is important because it teaches you that when you do fail, “what’s the worst that can happen?” You can only go up from there. In reality, it’s not as bad as you make it seem in your mind. And the thing is, KO will always help you. If you fail, you always have someone, whether it’s a staff member, or a friend, who can help you pick you up. 

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It's really about the content of what I'm learning. I crave to know things instead of craving just to do well.

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