Chugtai, Bassil - Kingswood Oxford



My teachers at KO have definitely helped me improve and refine my writing, especially by diversifying it. We write in almost every class so I am able to switch different styles and formats with ease. For example, earlier in the year we were reading The Great Gatsby and our assignment was to write a eulogy for Gatsby and read the toast aloud to our class. I choose to take an optimistic approach and teach the lessons learned from Gatsy’s life. That was one of my favorite writing projects that I’ve done at KO.


In Spanish, I’ve become more adept in writing because I am using each part of the language, each tense, and each grammatical structure. This practice has strengthened my Spanish-speaking skills as well. Lastly, in history, I’ve learned to raise the bar by providing more evidence and reasoning in my arguments to prove my point.


Now, when I approach a writing assignment, I am much more confident. I know how to organize my thoughts, articulate them clearly, and build upon them. I’ve come a long way from when I first started at KO.

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Now, when I approach a writing assignment, I am much more confident. I know how to organize my thoughts, articulate them clearly, and build upon them.

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