Block Schedule for In-Depth Learning

Block Schedule

Designed to Maximize Student Success

What a Difference a Block Schedule Makes


Unlike other middle schools, Kingswood Oxford Middle School follows a block schedule to maximize learning and better meet students’ needs.


Class periods of 75 minutes allow time to explore ideas in-depth and engage in research, discussions, and hands-on projects. Schedules integrate art, music, and other enhancements to deepen students’ appreciation of the world around them. Co-curricular opportunities are offered and further develop skills in leadership, organization, and negotiation. Students meet with each of their academic courses five times in a 10-day rotation with opportunities to vary the schedule daily. At the end of the day, we intentionally carve out time for sports to provide students time to participate in team sports, be physically active, and practice the skills of collaboration and teamwork. 






Why is our Block Schedule so age-appropriately awesome?

Our school day is designed to have students dig into an idea and wrestle with concepts and problems during a 75-minute class. After using all that brain power, the students reset with a less academic period before tackling the next subject. Having longer periods to learn productively and then transition before focusing on academics helps students achieve deeper learning experiences. Here are some highlights:


  • Greater collaboration between students and teachers

  • Time for students and teachers to meet for extra help on “off” days

  • Consistently scheduled advising time

  • Full integration of visual and performing arts

  • Time for a full advising program and social-emotional program

  • Time for students to dig deeper into content areas. We believe in a smaller curriculum but at greater depth

Everyone’s a W-I-Nner


W.I.N time (What. I. Need time) is one way we teach self-advocacy.  This is a time of day for students to take care of different aspects of their daily life.  Students stay in the Middle School building but may opt to do several different activities.  It could be meeting with a teacher, finishing homework, playing a game, meeting with friends, practicing a speech, reading a book, or just sitting.  Our faculty are on hand to help students monitor what is best for them during this time.  This type of self-regulation is a skill that does not come overnight, and students will undoubtedly make mistakes.  That’s okay! This is the time and place to learn what is best for each student and on what days.  We, here at the middle school, understand that this is a process, and we are here to help students to grow into this skill.

The Skills Incubator: Supporting Future-Focused Skills


The Skills Incubator is an opportunity for students to learn for learning’s sake: to explore, to be curious, to fail, and to succeed. Each micro-course, running in a 75-minute eight-class cycle, emphasizes authentic learning using future-focused skills: empathy, collaboration, research communication, creative problem-solving, reflection/innovation/iteration, tech, and media literacy, and engaged citizenship.


Students own their learning and learn to think about a problem in a brand-new way. At the end of the cycle, the students present a final project of their choice, ranging from a journal with sketches and research, a model or diorama, a digital portfolio, or a presentation. They “grade themselves” with a common rubric. 


The topics, which are not necessarily part of the curriculum, are infused with hands-on, authentic experiences:



  • The Influence of Hip-Hop on the English Language
  • Entrepreneurship with Nexgeninnovators
  • How are Science and Art Connected
  • How does Geography Impact Culture and Dance

  • Make it Work: Simple Machines

  • MySpace to ChatGPT: How to Live in this Evolving World of Social Media

  • Social Causes and Protest through Music

  • The Happiness Lab: Strategies and Behaviors that Make You Happy

  • You Are What You Eat: The Relationship Between Food and Overall Well-Being

  • The Hunger Gap: The Gaps in Food and Housing Insecurity

  • Sola: Creating Peace through the Education of Afghan Girls

  • Wedding Planning 101: Mastering the Art of Event Planning from Concept to Execution

The Kingswood Oxford Middle School Skills Incubator is an opportunity for students to learn future focused skills.

See what sets us apart

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What a Difference a Day Makes


KO and a Cup of Joe – Thursday Mornings throughout the Summer

Join us for a brief information session to learn about the academic and co-curricular offerings at Kingswood Oxford School during the summer: June 20, 27, July 11, 18, 25, August 1, and 8 at 8:30 a.m. in Roberts Building’s lower lobby. For more information, contact our Admissions Office at (860) 727-5000. What a Difference a Day Makes!