Football Team Visits Local Grammar School - Kingswood Oxford

Athletics News

September 29, 2023

Football Team Visits Local Grammar School

Football coach Brandon Batory seeks ways for his team to live out the KO values of ‘care beyond self.’ Director of College Counseling Jami Silver, an advisor to Community First School in Hartford, shared stories with Batory about this remarkable school last year. After hearing about it,  Batory felt that this was a perfect vehicle for his young men to engage with the community meaningfully and began a relationship with the school last year.


Community First School in Hartford is a bright spot in the community. According to their website, “Today 82% of the students at Community First School (CFS) are on grade level in both reading and math, and 3 of the 4 CFS grade levels have a median score above the 60th percentile nationally. Additionally, 8 out of 23 CFS students are above the 80th percentile nationally in math, and 5 students are above the 80th percentile in reading.”


However, school supplies for Community First are always in high demand. The football team organized a supply drive, provided the school with much-needed pens, pencils, notebooks, paints, snacks, toiletries, markers, and paper, and delivered them last Wednesday.


More importantly, the team had the opportunity to engage with approximately 30 young students who ranged from pre-K, kindergarten, and first grade. Even if you’re a 17-year-old man who doesn’t want to play freeze tag or crawl across a jungle gym with little folks?


“The team is fantastic with the kids,” Batory said. “You can see them light up. They’re smiling all over the place. They’re grown, but they’re still kids.”


Admiration is a two-way street. Batory said rather than be intimated by the size of the football team, the young students are in awe of the team and look up to them.


Batory is not looking to change the world but to make a small difference in young people’s lives and positively influence them outside the gridiron. He said it’s also an opportunity for his team to step back, reflect on their blessings, and be grateful for all they have.

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