Quotes from Kingswood Handbooks - Kingswood Oxford

Archivist's Corner

February 07, 2022

Quotes from Kingswood Handbooks

A while back, I came upon a file that I had not seen before and what a fun surprise when I opened it. Inside were quotes taken from Kingswood handbooks dating from the 1920s through the 1950s. They are very interesting and upon reading some of them, I found myself laughing out loud. Please enjoy reading the following-


Never let a vacation or anything but sickness be the excuse for taking one or

two days extra holiday. You can do nothing worse than to sacrifice your classes

and your teachers to your own pleasure. 


Athletic victories are celebrated by ringing the school bell. It is badly cracked, 

but we can easily buy another one. 


Correct posture: your desk in Classroom and Study Hall should be properly 

adjusted, with the help of the Physical Director. 


If you can use a fountain pen neatly, use it, but don’t run out of ink. 


No dishonesty, deceit, bad language, bullying or fighting. Boys who think

they have to fight should report to the Athletic Director. 


Notice that your daily program does not end until 6:00 p.m. …. We do not 

think well of the healthy boy who wishes to be excused after lunch. 


For goodness sake, dry your head thoroughly before you take it into the open air. 

Under no circumstances should you spend more than three minutes in a shower. 


A pupil who is on the Honor Roll for the first semester may take a holiday on the 

first day after the Spring vacation. 


Since writing my last article about community service, I came across the following information referencing examples of Kingswood’s contributions to the community-


“A School which prides itself upon its citizenship must do all that it can to help the 

less privileged boys of the City and State. The Y.M.C.A., the Newington Home for Crippled Children, and the Connecticut Junior Republic are specially deserving of our sympathy and practical help.” (1924)


It was custom at Christmas time to take a collection for the Salvation Army, and on 

Commencement Day for the Hartford Playground Fund. 


Wishing a very happy and healthy 2022 to all! 

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